Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
The extension of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety was built from 2007 to 2011 according to the designs of Geier Maass Pleuser. This building is directly adjacent to the former Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, which was renovated in 2005 in keeping with its listed status. As part of this project, a ‘glass joint’ was created that makes part of the rear wall of the GDR border fortifications visible. The entire building was constructed in accordance with the passive house standard.
Our scope of services included the development, planning, manufacture and installation of special constructions to the passive house standard, including wooden windows in the TIMM W 90-system and attached parapet cladding made of oak.
The window constructions were designed with a high sound insulation class. An outstanding feature of the building is the panoramic window in the minister’s office, which measures an impressive 3 x 4 meters and is fitted with fall-proof triple glazing as a special construction, approved in individual cases. External venetian blinds or vertical awnings were also installed.
Project partners
Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Straße des 17. Juni 112, 10623 Berlin
Own photos
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