Remise Immanuelkirchstrasse
The site for the start-up remise in Immanuelkirchstraße is located in Prenzlauer Berg. This in turn lies entirely on the ground moraine surface of the Barnim. 80% of the existing buildings were erected around the turn of the century before last (approx. 1890-1905). The structure was always the same.
Front house, rear house and then a shed. While people lived in the front and rear buildings, craftsmen worked in the coach house: Carpenters, saddlers, locksmiths, printers, bakers. Much of what was needed to live was produced directly on site. Although the housing has remained, the business has gone. Now it has come again.
The walls of the hybrid construction were made of reinforced concrete on site; the ceilings are timber-concrete composite structures. The four-storey building is glazed towards the wide garden courtyard. Our floor-to-ceiling wooden windows in the system TIMM W 90 in glaze and spruce design are positioned at different depths, resulting in narrow French balconies.
The rooms in the basement also receive daylight because the courtyard in front of the window front has been terraced. Four commercial units have been created inside – one on each level.
Project partners
Suwelack SHC GmbH, Münsterstrasse 39, 48727 Billerbeck
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
Auf rund 850 m² Ausstellungsfläche präsentieren wir Ihnen in unserem Showroom an über 60 Exponaten die aktuellsten und innovativsten Lösungen der Branche aus den Bereichen Aluminiumfenster, Holzfenster, Holz-Alu Fenster und Stahlfenster sowie Sicherheitsfenster und Fassaden.
Architekten, Bauherren und Partnern im Objektgeschäft bieten wir die Möglichkeit, alle Arten und Designsprachen von Fenstern und Fassaden zu erleben und sich von unserem vielseitigen Produktportfolio begeistern zu lassen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, diese Erlebniswelt für Ihre Bauvorhaben und Planungen zu nutzen.
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Hans Timm Fensterbau GmbH & Co. KGMotzener Str. 10
D-12277 Berlin
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