Corkscrew house
The single-family home with a difference, multiple award-winning. The building stands on a rammed concrete base. The entire construction is made of wood from the top edge of the ground.
Wood fiber and cellulose insulation materials complement the sustainable wall and facade structures. No adhesives or construction foams are used at all. Room climate control is ensured by moisture-absorbing materials such as wood or gypsum fiber surfaces with diffusion-open coatings. This makes it possible to dispense with a ventilation system and generates a pleasant, natural indoor climate.
The entire building will be constructed in timber and clad with a cork facade. This is both thermal insulation and a visible surface, resulting in excellent insulation values.
The cork oak is peeled every seven years without damaging the tree. The cork granulate is a waste product from bottle cork production and is formed into facade panels under high pressure and heat. During the process, the resins contained in the cork are released and bind the granules together.
The cork facade panels are thus resistant to weathering and mold without any additives or chemicals. 100% natural.
We supplied both timber-aluminum constructions and aluminum constructions for the realization of the building.
Project partners
rundzwei Architekten Reeg&Dufour PartGmbB, Goethestraße 2-3, 10623 Berlin,
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
Auf rund 850 m² Ausstellungsfläche präsentieren wir Ihnen in unserem Showroom an über 60 Exponaten die aktuellsten und innovativsten Lösungen der Branche aus den Bereichen Aluminiumfenster, Holzfenster, Holz-Alu Fenster und Stahlfenster sowie Sicherheitsfenster und Fassaden.
Architekten, Bauherren und Partnern im Objektgeschäft bieten wir die Möglichkeit, alle Arten und Designsprachen von Fenstern und Fassaden zu erleben und sich von unserem vielseitigen Produktportfolio begeistern zu lassen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, diese Erlebniswelt für Ihre Bauvorhaben und Planungen zu nutzen.
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Hans Timm Fensterbau GmbH & Co. KGMotzener Str. 10
D-12277 Berlin
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+49 30 720 831-70
+49 30 720 831-60 Zentrale:
+49 30 720 831-0