Max Taut School
The school building is an important work of reform pedagogy and an outstanding example of modern architecture. Named after the renowned modernist architect Max Taut, it is internationally recognized as a showpiece of “Neues Bauen”.
In 1927, Max Taut was awarded first prize for his contribution to the competition for the largest school complex in Germany at the time, the “Lichtenberg Schools”. His design in the New Objectivity style resulted in a modern school complex with pioneering facilities. The entire school complex created by Max Taut is now a protected architectural monument that has been included in the Berlin list of protected monuments.
In close cooperation with the architects, we carried out the restoration of the windows in accordance with the preservation order, using the TIMM W 38/56–wooden box window system and the TIMM W 90-wood insulating glass window system. Particularly noteworthy is the detailed reconstruction of the color scheme and color division in order to faithfully recreate the historical origin.
Some of the renovation work was carried out while the school was in operation.
Project partners
BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH, Keibelstraße 36, 10178 Berlin
Own photos
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
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