Residential building Hoch 6
The new residential building at Gesundbrunnen is visible from afar on the triangular plot at the intersection of Hochstrasse and the mainline railroad tracks. The H6 construction group has realized a total of 36 residential units on a trapezoidal floor plan.
A place with challenges: well connected to local and long-distance transport at Gesundbrunnen station but also surrounded by traffic. The new house now stands like a noise barrier for the south garden on the northern boundary of the property and marks the beginning of the open construction style from the 1950s on Hochstrasse.
All apartments are arranged in a north-south direction, so all residents benefit from the south-facing loggias and the unobstructed view of the Humboldthain. The project was equipped with highly sound-insulating wooden windows in the TIMM W 90 system.
The curtain-type installation in the Meesenburg Triotherm type and the special frame claddings should be emphasized. The air exchange is ensured via the sound-insulated outside air diffuser elements arranged in the frame reveals of the windows and the central exhaust air from the interior bathrooms. The sun protection was implemented with vertical awnings.
Project partners
Meda-Prax Verwaltungs- und Immobiliengesellschaft mbH, Frobenstr. 11, 10783 Berlin
roedig . schop architekten PartG mbB, Obentrautstraße 72, 10963 Berlin,
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
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