Geisberg residential building
In the heart of the capital, we worked with the renowned architects from O&O Baukunst to comprehensively revitalize the historic post office in Geisbergstrasse by carrying out both conversion and extension work.
This former “post and telegraph office” from 1925, just a stone’s throw from Kurfürstendamm, is characterized by a unique concrete building that conceals its modern structure behind traditional brick cladding. The first floor of the building once housed the counter hall and the acceptance point for parcels, while the upper floors provided spacious premises for the “Fernsprechamt” (telephone office).
In collaboration with O&O Baukunst, we have transformed this building into a remarkable residential project called “Geisberg Berlin”.
The skillful integration of new building elements created a harmonious overall complex. The historic brick building with its contemporary design language and expressionist decorations has been carefully preserved, with necessary renovation work being carried out with care.
Our refurbishment measures include the supply of new, listed box-type windows with extremely slim profiles and glazing bars. Numerous historic box-type windows were refurbished in a manner appropriate to the listed building. The windows of the new buildings were also not designed as simple, flat openings, but with the narrow wooden window system TIMM W 90 window system. Through these comprehensive measures, we have helped to preserve the heritage of this unique building and at the same time create contemporary living space.
Project partners
FORE GBS Development GmbH, Jägerstraße 4, 10117 Berlin
Ortner & Ortner Baukunst Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, Leibnizstraße 60, 10629 Berlin
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
Auf rund 850 m² Ausstellungsfläche präsentieren wir Ihnen in unserem Showroom an über 60 Exponaten die aktuellsten und innovativsten Lösungen der Branche aus den Bereichen Aluminiumfenster, Holzfenster, Holz-Alu Fenster und Stahlfenster sowie Sicherheitsfenster und Fassaden.
Architekten, Bauherren und Partnern im Objektgeschäft bieten wir die Möglichkeit, alle Arten und Designsprachen von Fenstern und Fassaden zu erleben und sich von unserem vielseitigen Produktportfolio begeistern zu lassen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, diese Erlebniswelt für Ihre Bauvorhaben und Planungen zu nutzen.
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Hans Timm Fensterbau GmbH & Co. KGMotzener Str. 10
D-12277 Berlin
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+49 30 720 831-70
+49 30 720 831-60 Zentrale:
+49 30 720 831-0