Representation of Baden-Württemberg in Brussels
The Baden-Württemberg State Representation to the European Union in Brussels is located in a five-storey building from the 1960s on the busy Rue Belliard, in the immediate vicinity of the European Parliament. Thanks to the outstanding work of WEINMILLER GROßMANN ARCHITEKTEN, the state representation was successfully extended. To expand the building, the state of Baden-Württemberg acquired the neighboring historic Hôtel de Maître, which had belonged to the German Reich since 1898 and had been used by the Goethe-Institut since the 1950s. The listed historic façade was preserved.
In coordination with the local monument protection authorities, we designed highly complex wooden monument protection windows. These wooden windows are characterized by special profiles and geometries, but also meet strict safety requirements, including fall protection. Our task also included the reproduction of historical folding shutters. Behind the historic façade of the manor house dating back to 1871, a modern new building was erected for the state representation. This new building stretches across the narrow but deep plot and deliberately sets itself apart from the historic façade by using a delicate metal and glass façade.
Ultra-modern aluminum composite windows with integrated solar shading in the system SCHÜCO AWS 120 CC.SI and insulating windows in the SCHÜCO AWS 75 BS.SI+ optimized were used. We also designed the event rooms with large-scale timber mullion and transom façades in oak glaze, which also integrate complex doors.
Project partners
Property and Construction Baden-Württemberg
Weinmiller Großmann Architekten BDA, Kurfürstendamm 178, 10707 Berlin,
Die innovativsten Lösungen der Branche
Auf rund 850 m² Ausstellungsfläche präsentieren wir Ihnen in unserem Showroom an über 60 Exponaten die aktuellsten und innovativsten Lösungen der Branche aus den Bereichen Aluminiumfenster, Holzfenster, Holz-Alu Fenster und Stahlfenster sowie Sicherheitsfenster und Fassaden.
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